Monday, October 31, 2011

APP ATTACK! Teacher Cast

Today I put out a tweet asking, what App should I review for the blog. You would think that I would get suggestions chirping at me. This was the first suggestion I received, Teacher Cast. It isn’t a drill and skill App, it is not an activity App at all. It is an information App for educators that are seeing information on technology in the classroom.

The TeacherCast does App Reviews, Podcast, Blogs and Screencast it allows you have education references all in one place so you have the latest information as it hits the social and news networks.

If you are an educator and are looking for the best ways to teach your students, look no further than TeacherCast. We bring you TeacherCast Podcasts, and AdministratorCasts with some of the best teachers in the world.

The TeacherCast Podcast: A weekly podcast featuring teachers and administrators just like you who discuss their philosophies on teaching, and how they use technology in their classrooms. There are 40 Podcast to listen to.

App Spotlights: Discussions with app developers about the Apps for education.

App Reviews: Also having teachers discuss how the app may benefit the classroom.

ScreenCasts: TeacherCast features Screencasts demonstrating todays hot Apps, as well a screencasts to showcase hidden features that can make your teaching day run smoother.

Blogs: TeacherCast features blogs written by staff, as well as other education professionals to help you decide how to best educate your students.

The App is a useful tool for educators and parents to have so they can keep up with the forever changing landscape of technology in education. The website and app gives you access to information in a fast format at a glance. Both the website and app has a very clean layout.

This is a must have for educators every click of the mouse or tap on the screen brings you information that can be used with your students or classroom management.

Cost: FREE
Company Website:
Pod Cast:

Do you want to learn more about APPS?

Do you want to learn how to implement iPads in your school?

Contact us - we can help! We will work collaboratively with your team to determine an effective course of action for your specific situation.

Email Mike Marotta, Assistant Director, ATS Dept. at

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