Friday, March 18, 2011

The Wonder of the iPad - Feel Good Friday

The iPad has been touted and many things. My favorite is that it is a "game changer". I would have to agree with this statement. It is allowing people to do very cool things, and as the cliché goes, the possibilities are endless. with that being said, as AT Professionals, it is our responsbilitiy to not get sucked into the iPad as the "ultimate device". We have to remember the SETT framework and make sure that we are thinking about the student and the needs prior to the tool!

The iPad has taken over the world of education by storm. It has, and will continue, to open up many doors for students with all abilities.

Here is a video - caveat, produced by Apple - that illustrates some of the ways that the iPad is being used around the globe. It also highlights some of the ways that people with special needs are using the iPad. I found this vide to be very inspiring in regard to what we are able to offer our students.

If you would like to read the article from Apple Insider that accompanied this video, check it out here.

Do you have an inspiring experience with the iPad that you would like to share? Drop me a line at

Enjoy and Happy Friday!

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